We will tell you about the fertility of your soil - beyond just the chemical substances.
Why do chemicals not give the full picture?
The chemical analysis of your soil doesn't necessarily determine how available these nutrients are to the plants. Beneficial microorganisms (good bacteria or fungi) help plants extract the nutrients, even from non-available forms (e.g. oxides). They form a mutually beneficial relationship with the plant.
As an example, tropical soils are quite poor in nutrients (their NPK analysis wouldn't show great results). However, the rich amount of microorganisms allows growth of such enormous plants (as well as humidity and temperature, of course).
How we can help
We can help you understand the microbial context of your soil health using specific analyses (sometimes using your pre-existing analyses). We can then give recommendations on improving the fertility and resilience of the soil, beyond the simple chemical analysis which requires very little interpretation.
How our products incorporate this
Our products have many co-operating microorganisms. The use of fungicides disturbs the microbiota of plants, and just like a human needs to restore digestive health after taking antibiotics, plants need to restore their microbial balance.
Our products make nutrients available much quicker than they would be naturally. We help with recovery after fungicidal treatment, and with transition from regular to organic farming. The products also act to replace fungicides, protecting plants and crops in a different way with a live defence system: our 'good' fungi protect the plant from 'bad' fungi.